Felony Expungement - Senate Bill 57 will expand the number of Kentuckians eligible to have low-level felonies expunged from their criminal. It will do this by expanding discretionary expungement to all Class D felonies with some exceptions for crimes such as stealing in office, abusing children and sexual abuse. It includes a five-year waiting period to apply for expungement, reduces the application fee from $500 to $250 and provisions for prosecutors to object and judges to reject the applications.
Strangulation - Senate Bill 70 will make non-fatal strangulation its own felony crime.
DUI - Senate Bill 85 extends Kentucky’s first offense DUI license suspension and ignition interlock requirements. The new law will require a 6 months license suspension on a DUI first offense or 4 months of driving with an ignition interlock device. Note: Although the effective date of this legislation is 6/27/19, it will not be implemented until July 2020.
Bestiality - Senate Bill 67 will make it a Class D felony, to have sex with an animal or advertise, offer, or accept the offer of an animal with the intent that the animal be subject to sexual contact. Among other things, the bill requires those convicted to attend a treatment program and relinquish custody of any animals under their control.
Electric Scooters - House Bill 258 will set operating standards for electric scooters and will allow the machines to legally operate much like bicycles on public streets. It also limits e-scooter speeds to no more than 20 mph. PLEASE BEWARE: You CAN get a DUI on an electric scooter!
Concealed Carry - Senate Bill 150 will allow concealed firearms to be carried without a concealed carry permit. The measure will allow Kentuckians age 21 and older who are legally eligible to possess a firearm to carry a concealed weapon without a license in the same location as people with valid state-issued licenses. Permitless carry will not be allowed where prohibited by federal law or otherwise prohibited. Also, concealed carry laws vary from State to State be sure to familiarize yourself with the local laws before you care in another State.
Caller ID - House Bill 84 will prohibit telephone solicitations that misrepresent the name or telephone number in caller identification services, increase fines for second offenses and allow for civil lawsuits against violators.